Dreaded Monday but a Good Run

Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend! If you’re just catching up on blogs, my weekend was busy. Here’s the recap:

*I finally made it to the Portland State Farmer’s Market

*I tried my first Brick workout and got back on the bike!

*We finally started using the BBQ again and

*I took my mom to the Portland Saturday Market

What did you do this weekend? And how did you fair Monday morning?

My Monday morning did not start off with a bang, that’s for sure. I didn’t sleep well last night and woke up tired and groggy.

I packed some snacks for today (nectarine, carrots, and cherries):

The good news is that the weather was great today for my lunchtime run.

I used sunscreen and didn’t need a jacket. I ran the waterfront loop with a great time! I’ve become much faster and efficient. The good news with that is that I’m way faster than I used to be and it’s less of a struggle. The bad news? I finish the 5k or so loop on the waterfront faster and burned less calories. As a result I think I’m going to have to start running the loop twice to get a better workout!

Since I finished  the loop run in such a fast time, I decided to keep going. I ran some extra blocks and then headed back to the office. I think I added about 20 blocks today (round-trip) to my run. Therefore, my run time is longer.

Today’s Stats:

Time: 38:04

Calories Burned: 445

Nike+ Pace: 9’32”

QUESTION: If you’re a runner, how fast is your mile?

15 responses to “Dreaded Monday but a Good Run

  1. Great run girl!!!! you are getting so speedy 🙂

  2. Awesome job….I am still working on just running for a length of time, but my fastest is between 14 and 15 minutes.

  3. I have gotten much faster since I started doing speedwork on the treadmill. I think on my 12miler I did a little over an 8min mile. It is all because of speedwork. Looks like you are going to have to start doing at 10k loop!

  4. great job on the increased speed!!! I can run a mile in about 6:45…back when I was young ( haha) I could run a sub 6 min mile…oh those were the days!!!

  5. Way to go on the mileage/pace! I’m still at about a 9 min/mile. To avoid injuries start out slow, speed will come with experience. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend!

  6. Right now my fastest is 9:30 and I am SO happy with that! Some days are better than others but each day is a new day! Congrats on increasing your run, for not sleeping well last night that had to make you feel better!

  7. My Monday actually turned out decent.

    My recap: Friday: Swam 1500meters.
    Sat: Rest day.
    Sun: Biked 30miles.
    Mon: 15 mile bike, 2.5 mile run, 550 meter swim.

    I felt pretty good for a Monday. Lets see how I swim today. :-/

  8. My mile time depends on the distance. But typically when racing I average 7:00/minute miles.

  9. I am sloooooooooow. I try to maintain a 10 minute mile on long runs and I can manage a 9:30 or so for very short runs (like 5k or less). I’ve never actually done speed work, and trail running/hill running didn’t change my pace in the least. I keep saying I’ll get around to working on speed some day…

  10. Kelly, 7 minute miles! Thats awesome. LOL! After I complete my first sprint Tri I am going to work on my speed a bit. I am barley hitting under 9 minute miles….. :-/

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