Slow Run

I still think it’s utterly ridiculous to be sore from gardening when I’m not sore from a 50 mile bike ride! How did this happen?

*Not My Pic

Since my hamstrings are still feeling tight, I took it easy on my lunchtime run today. Ironically, my hamstrings didn’t hurt during my run. I still took it pretty slow. I did, however, have a pain in my side. That has been happening frequently and I have no idea WHAT it is or why I get it! Any ideas? Suggestions?

I made the lunchtime run without having to walk at all.

Today’s Stats:

Time: 35:15

Calories Burned: 415

Nike+ Pace: 9’42”

Checking in on my May Goals:

I used sunscreen–even though it was overcast. CHECK!

I drank a lot of water before the run. CHECK!

I stretched when I got back to work (especially my hammies!). CHECK!

I think I can successfully say that the “Low Carb” eating plan is done. The idea of it just annoys me at this point, and if I really want to do something, I DO it and I really DON’T want to do it. And honestly, what REALLY sounds good to me is a tall, cold one of these:

Question: What is your favorite Adult Beverage?

12 responses to “Slow Run

  1. My favorite adult drink… I only get to chose one? I’m a girl who likes beer (especially Belgium) and whiskey, and my half Mexican side cannot turn down a margarita!

  2. Gardening does the same exact thing to me! No matter how much I lift, bike or run, gardening gets my hamstrings every time.

    Favorite adult beverages would be handcrafted beer and an amaretto sour.

  3. I like white wine. I only drink it if we go out to dinner, but I do love a good glass of wine.

  4. You’re probably sore because your muscles were moving in a DIFFERENT way that how you’ve trained them – I think that’s a good thing! šŸ™‚

    My favorite adult beverage is definitely any kind of Hefewiesen – I’m sooo weak and can’t pass them up! šŸ™‚

  5. Do you have a foam roller? It is painful, yet magical. Works those hammies so good! And calves, IT band…the list goes on šŸ™‚

    I’ve been getting side pains lately too when running. It’s hard to say why…sometimes it’s because I drank/ate too close to running, other times it’s because I didn’t hydrate enough during the day.

  6. Midori Sour is my adult beverage weakness. *sigh*

  7. Margarita is my favorite but Reisling is a second actually I bounce back and forth šŸ™‚

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