The Naked Post

I’ve been a bad blogger. I’ve been in a funk lately. This weekend was a bit of an emotional roller coaster and I’m trying to dig myself out of the hole I dug. There’s nothing beneficial about having a pity party!

I don’t want my blog to just be a “diary” of the food I eat.  I don’t think that’s interesting and I want this blog to be of more value to people who are struggling to lose weight and be healthy. Because of the blahs lately, my blog has become a “food diary.” It was easy.

Lately I’ve had a touch of the Post Race Blues. Reach the Beach was awesome and fun. I had a great time training for it. Every weekend revolved around long bike rides.  I’ve had nothing to train for since May 15th. The easy, logical solution would be to pick some event that’s sooner than Hood To Coast (end of August) and train for that. Unfortunately, our schedule is pretty packed for the summer. We have weddings, family reunions, our anniversary weekend, friends visiting from out of town, and family visiting. There’s just no time!

Reach the Beach

Another factor has been the weather. It’s been solid rain since May 15th. Seriously–the most depressing weather! This is the time of year we start hiking on a regular basis, plan camping trips, and BBQ. I am so sick of this weather!

My body image issues of late are stupid, I know. I shouldn’t be down on myself. I’ve come a LONG way and I should be proud of what I’ve accomplished. I should focus on the positive things and loving my body the way it is.

-Loving the few extra pounds because they are a part of me.

-Loving the layer of fat on my stomach because it protects my vital organs.

-Loving my curves because that makes me a woman.

-Loving my large hips and breasts because some day when I had kids, I’ll need them!

-Loving my big thighs because they are strong and powerful and as a result I swim a mile in 40 minutes.

A lot of “I shoulds”. Despite reminding myself of these things and trying to think positive, it’s been really hard lately.

QUESTION: How do you get out of a “funk”? And how is your body/self image right now?

22 responses to “The Naked Post

  1. Great Post! I can relate, I think we all have a constant battle with our bodies.
    When I am in a funk, I usually try and find something to occupy my time. I usually find a new CD or new music I like, or get a good book.

    Right now, my body image is falling by the minute. The fact that I gained instead of lost this last week was terribly disappointing. I still have nearly 90 pounds to lose.

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I just got up my post for the day and set goals, I think my downfall is the alcohol, so I am going to try and limit it (and hopefully stick to it). 🙂

  3. Body image is a constant struggle for me. I’m much more critical of myself post weight loss. Isn’t it funny how that works?

  4. Love the post!

    My body image is in the toilet. I am SO proud of the 50 lbs I’ve lost so far, but when I look in the mirror, all I see is what’s WRONG, not what’s “better” than before. :/

  5. What a refreshing post……it can be so easy to focus on the negative sometimes – but I consciously try to turn it around and focus on the positives instead. Such as – intead of “argh I have put on weight” – I remind myself that “I have done 10 races in 6 months and have never been fitter”. A little extra weight is not the end of the world?!

  6. I have a tough time. Now that I lost the weight I needed to, I am afraid to gain any back. Because of this I find that I am still restricting my calories. It is really hard for me to find a balance.

  7. I really struggle with body image. Sometimes I see myself as size 8, other times I think I look closer to the old me at 250 pounds. It does seem to be getting better with time, but not sure if that will ever go away.

    You have to shift your focus to the positive. If you dwell on the negative, then it breeds upon itself.

  8. Honestly, when I get in a funk I allow myself to wallow for a few days. I almost think it is healthy to allow myself to be in a bad mood. Then after some good wallowing (and usually a few tears…crying ALWAYS makes me feel better) I make myself focus on the postive things. I journal, read, run…anything to clear my head and refocus my energies on the things that I enjoy and love.

    Hang in there honey…you are always a rockstar in my book!

  9. Fortunately, I am generally an optimistic person and usually see the silver lining — and focus on it rather than the clouds.

    However, body image has always been an issue and maybe always will be. I’m feeling at my best when someone takes the time to say something reinforcing to me. My mom called me “skinny minnie” yesterday and I smiled. Even though I’ve lost 75 pounds, at 194, I’m definitely not skinny. 🙂 But, her comment made me feel good and made me remember that many changes have already happened.

    I have to learn how to focus less on my flabby untoned arms and the stomach fat that I just can’t seem to lose at the same rate as everything else!

  10. I hear ya. It’s a lot of pressure to come up with eloquent, thought-provoking blog posts every single day. But you’ve got a good thing going here so keep it up! It just shows that you are normal — and a real person!

  11. I have also been in a funk for the last few weeks, but really for a couple of months. I can’t seem to get myself on track and do the things I know are good for me. I am hoping everyone can answer these questions!

    I had lost 43 pounds and I have gained almost 13 back. How do I save myself from myself?

    • Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifetime struggle, I think. My suggestion would be to stop drinking alcohol (if you do), choose an exercise that you enjoy doing, and keep a food diary. It really does work!

  12. I LOVE what you and Ashley were saying towards the top. I would never have guessed after losing 100 pounds I would still have a hard time looking in the mirror! For me, it’s the skin. There’s SO much leftover, saggy, baggy parts. I’m too old (32, not old, but…) and was too heavy for too long for it to poof and disappear. Everything we choose has a consequence, and I chose a very different lifestyle than being healthy for so long! Let’s not get stuck here…we know stuck and we chose otherwise and can be very proud of that.

    I try to look at all this skin as battle scars of a fight I am winning!

    • Thanks for checking out my blog and congrats on also losing 100 pounds! Your story is fantastic. And yes–the loose skin is a sad remnant of the “old me.” Hence, I will probably never wear a bikini–no matter how much weight I lose.

  13. I am more critical of my body now and self concious about it than before I lost weight. I’m having a total I hate everything about myself funk-too thick legs, too round all over, etc. Sometimes I also think…I eat so well and work out, shouldn’t I look different?

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