Memorial Weekend BBQ

Sunday night we had another couple over for dinner. The weather was sort of cooperating for a BBQ. Portland has been nothing by rain for awhile now (um, like over a month??) and this weekend has been no different. The good news on Sunday was that the rain was sporadic and it was actually pretty warm out. Michael made his awesome turkey burgers.

We were able to sit outside on the back porch since it’s covered. It started to drizzle a little but we didn’t mind it. I had a few glasses of wine last night and tried to take it easy on the drinking.

Instead of our usual Sandwich Thins, we picked up a package of “real” hamburger buns.

I sliced the fixins: tomato, pickle, lettuce. The burgers turned out pretty great. It’s the first time this season we’ve been able to use the outside BBQ. I had melted Havarti Cheese on my burger.


Our friends, Erika and Charles, brought fruit for dessert.

We topped our Vanilla ice cream with the delicious fruit. I had melons, pineapple and blueberries in my ice cream. Great combo!

140 Calories/Serving


We moved the party into the living room to play some games. Michael set up the DirectTV to a music station and we listened to HAIR GUITAR for a few hours. 😉

Butt Rock

Fun Games


It was a really fun night! I love hosting Game Nights because it’s pretty casual, fun, I can control the food we make (as opposed to eating out) and who doesn’t love playing games??

QUESTION: What did you do for Memorial Weekend?

12 responses to “Memorial Weekend BBQ

  1. Oh my goodness Apples to Apples is such a fun game!

  2. The burgers look good, sometimes you just need it on a regular bun, mmmmmm!

  3. oooh bbq + games night = sounds like the perfect fun evening with friends to me!!!

  4. What a fun get together. Memorial Day Weekend is not right without a good American burger! Apples to Apples is so fun.
    Detroit was gorgeous so I spent my days at the pool, lake and at a wedding. Busy, but so fun. Definitely not looking forward to tomorrow…back to the grind.

  5. Apples to Apples is so fun. I remember the first time I played it I was in disbelief that it would be, but now it’s one of my faves.

  6. sounds so fun!
    we grilled out today and just kind of relaxed.

  7. I’ve never played Apples to Apples!!! I always hear about how fun it is…

    Man, I do thin breads for burgers too, but they are just so amazing with a proper bun, aren’t they? Looks like a perfect way to spend the long weekend!

  8. Yum to turkey burgers!

    Board game nights are super fun. I played Surf-edition Monopoly on Saturday night. Went to a BBQ Saturday afternoon, went scuba diving early Friday morning, went out with a few friends Thursday night…and it was a productive weekend. More so socially but I needed it 🙂

  9. I’ve never heard of Apples to Apples! My weekend was all about friends but yesterday was mostly about driving home. I still haven’t had a BBQ this year and I want one 🙂

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